christian's first.

we have been in oklahoma for the past two weeks and i have gotten to spend some time with the people that i have missed the most. My brother and i have spent quite a bit of time hanging out and actually enjoying the time. My brother and i havent always had the best of relationships so its nice to actually have a semi working relationship with him.
I also got to spend a lot of time at home relaxing with family.
I ran in to a couple of friends who i wanted to see and i had a great time catching up with them. I miss a couple of people from Oklahoma very very badly. I dont have to say their names they know who they are. I miss them so much id consider moving back here to be with them a few more years. But that question wont be answered for atleast another couple of months. Its hard leaving family and friends every time i come back to visit but i and they will be okay.

I feel like the trip hasnt really started. Im still in a place that is super comfortable to me and i want something that i dont know. We should be headed out tomorrow for amarillo and then north on to denver colorado to hang out with one of the best people i know, mr. seth haskins. There is a lot on my mind right now but it is all rambled thoughts that i feel like are going to take a long time to sort them out. That is something that i have recently come to terms with though. I am finally accepting of the fact that i have questions and doubts and im okay without knowing all the answers. Some of the best people and most impactful people on this earth did the same and i know that questioning and seeking truth builds character. So if nothing else during this time, i will be building character.

Find positive in all things.



hello friends! thank you for you prayers and support. we have successfully made it to oklahoma and are spending some sweet bonding time with christian's family, who we have not seen in over a year.

we had originally planned to leave nashville at the end of may, after our good friends gave birth to their second baby girl. But I met a man (we will call him mr. ship) at the coffee shop where i work who wanted us to drive his van out west. he and his girlfriend were going to take a summer long vacation and didn't want to spend 3 days of it driving to their destination. so we were hired. we were basically getting paid a couple hundred to take a long road trip. so in two weeks time we sold our stuff, sold our car, quit our jobs, took exams early, paid off bills, had about 12 dentist visits in a weeks time, and had our backpacks packed.

i was amazed to see how much junk we had when we actually started getting rid of it. i prided myself on being a minimalist, but i had heaps of clothes in the closet that i had worn once, dishes we have never used, and knick-knacks serving no purpose that were cluttering our lives. with every full box gone, i could breathe a little easier. and the funny thing is, i don't miss any of it. i didn't realize we even owned so much, and i don't miss anything i got rid of. it was actually really refreshing.

we were going to leave on a thursday at 5, but 45 minutes AFTER we were scheduled to depart, mr. ship told us the van didnt pass its inspection and needed specially ordered parts. so the trip got pushed back until saturday. saturday afternoon we got a call again, the mechanic ordered the wrong parts, so we would have to wait until tuesday to leave. tuesday came, another call after the flood, the van got flooded and mr. ship didn't know if he was even still going on the trip, but we were welcome to sit around our empty dark apartment and wait to find out. we decided it was probably time to take off.

thursday night we headed to the train yard to wait. our lucky ride came around 3 am. we hopped on one supposedly heading for memphis, then we would go from memphis to oklahoma. we woke up friday morning in a little town called evansville, indiana, wherever that is. so we hitched out of there and were lucky enough to get a ride to st. louis from a man going home after a year in afghanistan. we got an interesting 2 1/2 hour story time.

we slept outside of st. louis that night and got picked up a few times the next morning (Friday). after a long rut of walking way too many miles, a man pulled over and told us he was going to mustang oklahoma. what a stroke of luck! so, we got a 13 hour ride to oklahoma, right where we needed to be.

the Lord has blessed us and kept us safe. it is thrilling to have everything i need on my back. we are enjoying our time with family this week. we plan to be here for about another week and then head out to Kansas City to work on a garden with some nuns.

look forward to bigger and better adventures!